Saturday, April 20, 2013

Day 43 of 365

Day 43 - February 12

The Art of Candle Making

I am all for a little Do-It-Yourself project and my aunt has the same feeling. She owns a store on the Eastern Shore in St. Michaels, a town much like Saint Simons. Much of her store is dedicated to women's clothing but she also has handmade products, most of them being made by her. Candles are one of those. This was the first time I had ever made a candle and it was much easier than I imagined. These were scented as "Shore Smells" and are for sell in her shop. If you're ever on the Eastern Shore, pull into Saint Michaels and stop and see Yo! NETime Designs is located at 404 Talbot Street in Saint Michaels, Maryland. Her website is

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