Sunday, April 22, 2012

Trip to the Farm

This past weekend I was finally able to get off of Saint Simons and spend some time at our family farm in Tattnall County, Georgia. Getting out of the car, I was greeted with the smell of honeysuckle and this seemed to set the mood for the rest of my time there. Saturday morning was an early one that began with a trip to the Goat Sale. I hadn't been to one of these since I was 7 or 8 with my Papa Brown. It's basically a Farmers Market sorta idea but based around animals. Chickens, Ducks, and of course, Goats, were just a few of the animals for sale. We spent the rest of the day fishing and on the way home I swung through Claxton to spend some time with my grandparents. I had put in a request for Chili even though it was 80 degrees and Mombie's is the best in the world. This trip was a quick one, but one I'm happy I took. Living full time at the beach is incredible but sometimes even we need to get away!

Here are some pictures I took -

The Goat Sale in Lyons, Georgia
Vidalia Onions
Pecan Tree on the Farm

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